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  NSN Reviews vs. 2.3.4  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features:
- Compatible with PHP-Nuke 5.5.0 thru 6.0.0.
- You decide how many items per page to display thru the admin script.
- You decide which of 7 date display formats to use.
- You decide how many characters to display in titles thru the admin script.
- Displays the "NEW" and "POP" icons for each item that meets the requirements.
- Is language file compatible (currently in 1 language).
- Checks for Admin status and displays "EDIT" function if authorized.
- Comes with it's own graphics so it doesn't depend on PHP-Nuke graphics.
- Has a readme file to SHOW where to place the different files.
- No config files needed. Admin script stores config DATA in a db table.
- Admin file installs/updates the database.
Comes with:
- a module which lists all of your items across multiple pages similar to the Members List.
- 2 blocks, the first block lists the Top items, and the second lists the Newest items.
- Auto senses if it "Is In The Home" and uses the correct linking.
- Corrected a rare "new" icon problem in the dating.
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.3.4 Dateigröße: 19.76 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 11. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1258
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  Kleinanzeigenmarkt / classifieds market ZClassifieds vs. 1.x  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A new version of zClassifieds PHPNuke Version. It is now PHPNuke 6.9 compatible and has a german translation!
Version: 1.x Dateigröße: 137.04 Kb
Eingetragen am: 16. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1257 Bewertung: 6.00 (1 Stimme)
Homepage | Bewerten | Details |   NSN Your_Account-Modul 600 vs. 2.3.0b  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features in this version:
00) Requires PHP-Nuke 6.0 to be installed.
01) Users to delete their account, if you allow them.
02) Optionally send the admin an email when someone unregisters.
03) Optionally send the admin an email when someone registers.
04) Admins can allow user self deletion.
05) Admins can block user theme changes.
06) Blocks usernames with preset strings in them.
07) Allows for Required User approval by Admin.
08) Admin can allow new users to select their own password.
09) When logging in or logging out the users is returned to page they logged in or logged out from. Causes the $user to be flushed from the browser.
10) If Allow User Password is turned on then there are no emails sent to the user.
11) Includes "Return Path" in all mail functions.
12) Includes "Last 10 Forum Topics" (not posts), "Last 10 Downloads Approved", & "Last 10 Web Links Approved" in the userinfo page (if any are linked to the user).
13) NEW! Users details can now be reviewed (active, pending, & suspended).
14) NEW! Admin manual users suspension system.
15) NEW! Has admin settings for servers without mail support.
16) NEW! Admin can set cookie duration time.
17) NEW! Most of the admin script has been re-written.
18) NEW! Users details can now be modifieded (active, pending, & suspended).
19) NEW! Prevents usernames shorter then 4 characters from being used.
20) Reworked admin to cure an error in the "Modify User" routine. This error only affected a small number of people. If you have 2.3.0 you can just download the fix file.
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.3.0b Dateigröße: 53.25 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 11. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1256 Bewertung: 8.00 (1 Stimme)
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  Xaraya vs. 1.1.2 base zip  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Xaraya ist ein Web Application Framework, das als Freie Software unter der GNU General Public License publiziert wird. Xaraya ist in der Programmiersprache PHP geschrieben, und basiert auf der bisher nicht veröffentlichten Entwicklerversion 0.8 (von Mitte 2002) des PostNuke Projekts.
Obwohl Xaraya einige Grundideen mit PostNuke und PHPNuke teilt, wurde die Basistechnologie komplett umgeschrieben um eine bessere Trennung zwischen Design und Inhalt zu erreichen und die Funktionalität noch mehr zu modularisieren und flexibilisieren.
Dadurch können mit Xaraya nun die verschiedensten Systeme zusammengestellt werden. Von Blogs über Portale, Online Communitys und Webshops bis hin zu Content Management Systemen!
(Base package: Core Package files plus collection of modules used in most sites. Note the modules are taken from the Xaraya development module repository.)
Version: 1.1.2 Dateigröße: 7.64 MB
Eingetragen am: 24. 09. 2006 Wartende Downloads: 1256
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Kategorie: ! Nuke-SplitOffs

  Altavista Translate Block vs. 0.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A simple block for translating your webpage into 8 different languages. Languages supported are Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, Italian, German, Portugese and Spanish!
Version: 0.1 Dateigröße: 386 bytes
Eingetragen am: 09. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1254
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/WebSearch

  KzmMultiTV Block  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: KzmMultiTV is a Block that, thanks to its flexibility and semplicità of use, will sure trigger the fantasy of the Nuke Community to the search of the application more originates them. Its an applet that introduces an effect similar to the tv multiscreen, with possibility visualizing every image in one cell. It can show until 9 images or one great image uniform in 9 sections (correspondent to 9 small screen) or still 9 different images. Its also possible to have instead of 9 small different images, one great image (2x2) and others 5 small. All the images can be managed thanks to comfortable rows in which you insert the names and the links, moreover other parameters are configurabili many as the duration cycles, sequence, etc... . For phpNUKE Version 6.0!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 37.96 Kb
Eingetragen am: 28. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1249
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  Samba vs. 2.2.6  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: WHAT IS SAMBA? This is a big question. The very short answer is that it is the protocol by which a lot of PC-related machines share files and printers and other informatiuon such as lists of available files and printers. Operating systems that support this natively include Windows NT, OS/2, and Linux and add on packages that achieve the same thing are available for DOS, Windows, VMS, Unix of all kinds, MVS, and more. Apple Macs and some Web Browsers can speak this protocol as well. Alternatives to SMB include Netware, NFS, Appletalk, Banyan Vines, Decnet etc; many of these have advantages but none are both public specifications and widely implemented in desktop machines by default!
Version: 2.2.6 Dateigröße: 5.05 MB
Eingetragen am: 06. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1248
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Kategorie: Zubehör: Netzwerk-Tools

  NukeSentinel vs. 2.0.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features Include:
- To be used with PHP-Nuke 6.5.0 to 7.4.0.
- Template system.
= Templates are used for blocker responses and for the "Site Shutdown" system.
= Templates for blockers are prefixed with abuse_.
= Templates for admin settings are prefixed with admin_.
= Have as many templates as you want/need and assign them thru the Amind and Config screens.
- Comes with 2 blocks and one module for displaying blocked ip's.
- 9 Blocker types.
= Author/Admin hack blocker.
= CLike hack blocker.
= Union hack blocker.
= Filter blocker.
= Harvester blocker.
= Referer blocker.
= Scripting hack blocker.
= Request Method blocker.
= String blocker.
- DOS protection (on/off switchable).
- Force to nukeurl (on/off switchable).
- HTTPAuth logins for admin.php (on/off switchable, settable per admin).
- Site Disable switch.
- Proxy blocker (on/off switchable).
- htaccess writable (on Apache servers).
- Display pages are sortable.
- Protected Admins (settable per admin).
- Help/Info ballon windows (onclick or onmouseover switchable).
- Each blocker can be tailored to yoru needs.
- Email reports can be sent to multiple admins.
- User manual in both ..doc and .pdf formats!
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.0.0 Dateigröße: 632.63 Kb
Eingetragen am: 06. 08. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1248
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Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Security-Tools

  Admin Secure vs. 1.7 / 6.9-7.5  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: PHP-Nuke's Modified Files for Admin Secure. All files are copyright © PHP-Nuke, Modified to work with Admin Secure Add-on.
This package contain modified files for the following versions:
PHP-Nuke 6.9
PHP-Nuke 7.0
PHP-Nuke 7.1
PHP-Nuke 7.2
PHP-Nuke 7.3
PHP-Nuke 7.4
PHP-Nuke 7.5!
Instruction: Simply overwrites original PHP-Nuke files on your server with the supplied files in this package. If your PHP-Nuke files was heavily modded and modified, do not perform this task. Instead, read Admin Secure instalation guide for manual modification!
Version: 6.9-7.5 Dateigröße: 118.60 Kb
Eingetragen am: 24. 07. 2005 Wartende Downloads: 1248
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Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Security-Tools

  NukeChat vs. 1.1.3  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: - BugFix on the users recognisation,
- Spanish translation,
- German translation,
- English translations reviewed... and largely updated.
- Simply remove the slash '/' before the applet path in the index.php: this slash prevented some site to see thee applet when the web path was not the standard one.
- New delete icon for admin in the NukeChat block to delete (without any warning) no longer active accounts... I will implement an automatic solution!
Version: 1.1.3 Dateigröße: 151.13 Kb
Eingetragen am: 15. 01. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1246
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Chats

  mySQL vs. 3.23.57 linux-gnu  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MySQL is a database management system. A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management plays a central role in computing, as stand-alone utilities, or as parts of other applications!
Version: 3.23.57 Dateigröße: 9.48 MB
Eingetragen am: 06. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1246
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  AcroNuke Block vs. 0.3  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: A little nuke addon which gives your users a new block where they can search for acronyms like for example "IMHO" which means "In my humble opinion". Results get displayed in english and german so far. For phpNUKE Version 5.x!
Version: 0.3 Dateigröße: 2.42 Kb
Eingetragen am: 29. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1244
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  Downloads Advanced vs. 1.0.b67  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Advanced Downloads is a module compatible with PHP-Nuke 65-6.8 that introduces graphic and layout totally different from the original one and many other innovationes. New and Popular downloads are signed with the respective images New and Pop. In the main page: categories, sub categories and new downloads (english language)!
Version: 1.0.b67 Dateigröße: 83.41 Kb
Eingetragen am: 02. 08. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1242
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Basic

  ! EasyPHP 1.7 Final  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: EasyPHP is a WAMP, say an Apache, mySQL, PHP distribution for Windows; Lots of exciting new features and enhancements were implemented; Alltogether a great tool for a phpnuke-toolkit: ready to use with the :: :: Tutorial-Collection of Mindl3ss :: Feedback via Contactmailer :: Developers Guide to PHP-Nuke with many subsections :: PHPNUKE-HowTo on
The current content of easyPHP is
- Apache 1.3.27
- PHP 4.3.3
- MySQL 4.0.15
- PhpMyAdmin 2.5.3!
Version: 1.7 Final Dateigröße: 10.83 MB
Eingetragen am: 07. 12. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1241
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  NSN Topics 2.3.4  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features:
- Compatible with PHP-Nuke 5.5.0 thru 6.0.0.
- You decide how many items per page to display thru the admin script.
- You decide which of 7 date display formats to use.
- You decide how many characters to display in titles thru the admin script.
- Displays the "NEW" and "POP" icons for each item that meets the requirements.
- Is language file compatible (currently in 1 language).
- Checks for Admin status and displays "EDIT" function if authorized.
- Comes with it's own graphics so it doesn't depend on PHP-Nuke graphics.
- Has a readme file to SHOW where to place the different files.
- No config files needed. Admin script stores config DATA in a db table.
- Admin file installs/updates the database.
Comes with:
- a module which lists all of your items across multiple pages similar to the Members List.
- 2 blocks, the first block lists the Top items, and the second lists the Newest items.
- Auto senses if it "Is In The Home" and uses the correct linking.
- Corrected a rare "new" icon problem in the dating.
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.3.4 Dateigröße: 20.84 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 11. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1240
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  ! WMServer Tools vs. 1.5  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: WMServer Tools (WMCreation) is a utility ready to use with: Apache - PHP - PHP MyAdmin - MySQL - WMRemote Control. Very useful for your test in localhost but it can serve to many things. An easy popup menu. Only for Win 2000/XP.
Version: 1.5 Dateigröße: 21.08 MB
Eingetragen am: 07. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1240
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  PHPNuke Manual  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: PHPNuke Manual in English als PDF Datei!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 368.09 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1240
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: - Nuke Handbücher

  mySQL vs. 4.0.20 linux-gnu  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MySQL is a database management system. A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management plays a central role in computing, as stand-alone utilities, or as parts of other applications!
Version: 4.0.20 Dateigröße: 15.21 MB
Eingetragen am: 26. 05. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1239
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  jEdit vs. 4.1.0 tar.gz  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: jEdit is a programmer's text editor written in Java. It uses the Swing toolkit for the GUI and can be configured as a rather powerful IDE through the use of its plugin architecture. Some of jEdit's features include:
Written in Java, so it runs on MacOS X, OS/2, Unix, VMS and Windows.
Built-in macro language; extensible plugin architecture. Dozens of macros and plugins available.
Plugins can be downloaded and installed from within jEdit using the "plugin manager" feature.
Auto indent, and syntax highlighting for more than 80 languages.
Supports a large number of character encodings including UTF8 and Unicode.
Folding for selectively hiding regions of text. Word wrap.
Highly configurable and customizable.
Every other feature, both basic and advanced, you would expect to find in a text editor!
Version: 4.1.0 Dateigröße: 1.27 MB
Eingetragen am: 02. 08. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1236
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Kategorie: Zubehör: Editoren

  mySQL vs. 3.23.55 win  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MySQL is a database management system. A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management plays a central role in computing, as stand-alone utilities, or as parts of other applications!
(Windows Version)
Version: 3.23.55 Dateigröße: 13.32 MB
Eingetragen am: 05. 02. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1234
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  GIMP vs. 2.03 windows exe  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: GIMP eignet sich ideal zur Bearbeitung von Bildern aller Art. Ebenen, Kanäle und Pfade sind wie in Photoshop in eigenen Paletten angelegt. Gimp lässt sich als einfaches Malprogramm benutzen, zum professionellen Retuschieren von Fotos, als Batch-System zur automatischen Bearbeitung von Bildern und als Grafikformat-Konverter. Durch die Unterstützung von frei erhältlichen Filtern, Fonts und Vorlagen ist Gimp inzwischen eines der beliebtesten freien Grafikwerkzeuge geworden. Nach Installation, Windows-Neustart und erstem Start des Programms erwartet Sie eine Fülle von Funktionen: Für geladene Bilder stehen Ebenenverwaltung, Funktionen für Retusche und Kontrastkorrektur zur Verfügung. Außerdem lassen sich weitere Bildkorrekturen per Gradationskurven, Histogramm sowie Farbton-Verschiebung anwenden. Verschiedene vorgefertigte Effekte wie beispielsweise Schatten oder Chrom verleihen Bildern einen besonderen Touch.
(The GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages.)
Version: 2.0.3 Dateigröße: 7.45 MB
Eingetragen am: 08. 08. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1234
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Zubehör: Grafik-Tools

  Xaraya vs. 1.1.2 base tar.gz  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Xaraya ist ein Web Application Framework, das als Freie Software unter der GNU General Public License publiziert wird. Xaraya ist in der Programmiersprache PHP geschrieben, und basiert auf der bisher nicht veröffentlichten Entwicklerversion 0.8 (von Mitte 2002) des PostNuke Projekts.
Obwohl Xaraya einige Grundideen mit PostNuke und PHPNuke teilt, wurde die Basistechnologie komplett umgeschrieben um eine bessere Trennung zwischen Design und Inhalt zu erreichen und die Funktionalität noch mehr zu modularisieren und flexibilisieren.
Dadurch können mit Xaraya nun die verschiedensten Systeme zusammengestellt werden. Von Blogs über Portale, Online Communitys und Webshops bis hin zu Content Management Systemen!
(Base package: Core Package files plus collection of modules used in most sites. Note the modules are taken from the Xaraya development module repository.)
Version: 1.1.2 Dateigröße: 24.16 MB
Eingetragen am: 24. 09. 2006 Wartende Downloads: 1231
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Kategorie: ! Nuke-SplitOffs

  mySQL vs. 3.23.56 linux-gnu  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MySQL is a database management system. A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management plays a central role in computing, as stand-alone utilities, or as parts of other applications!
Version: 3.23.56 Dateigröße: 9.37 MB
Eingetragen am: 02. 04. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1230
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  mySQL vs. 3.23.57 win  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MySQL is a database management system. A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management plays a central role in computing, as stand-alone utilities, or as parts of other applications (Windows Version)!
Version: 3.23.57 Dateigröße: 12.72 MB
Eingetragen am: 06. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1229
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Dieser Block bietet einen Image-Link zu (Image siehe hier). Einfach entpacken, editieren (um diesen Block nutzen und 7% Umsatzprovision erhalten zu können, muß man sich bei (mit 5 Euro Startguthaben!) und dem Programm anmelden, dann die tid in Zeile 30 und 31 gegen die eigene tid austauschen) und danach die Datei in das Verzeichnis blocks einspielen!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 827 bytes
Eingetragen am: 06. 09. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1228
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Shopping

  NSN Sections vs. 2.3.4  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features:
- Compatible with PHP-Nuke 5.5.0 thru 6.0.0.
- You decide how many items per page to display thru the admin script.
- You decide which of 7 date display formats to use.
- You decide how many characters to display in titles thru the admin script.
- Displays the "NEW" and "POP" icons for each item that meets the requirements.
- Is language file compatible (currently in 1 language).
- Checks for Admin status and displays "EDIT" function if authorized.
- Comes with it's own graphics so it doesn't depend on PHP-Nuke graphics.
- Has a readme file to SHOW where to place the different files.
- No config files needed. Admin script stores config DATA in a db table.
- Admin file installs/updates the database.
Comes with:
- a module which lists all of your items across multiple pages similar to the Members List.
- 2 blocks, the first block lists the Top items, and the second lists the Newest items.
- Auto senses if it "Is In The Home" and uses the correct linking.
- Corrected a rare "new" icon problem in the dating.
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.3.4 Dateigröße: 21.13 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 11. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1227
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  Opera vs. 9.01 englisch setup.exe  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Opera ist ein alternativer Browser, der wesentlich stabiler und sicherer ist als der bekannte Internet Explorer von Microsoft. Die Software bietet dabei einige gute Funktionen und steht dem Quasi-Standard in nichts nach.
Keine unsicheren Systeme wie ActiveX und ActiveScripting
Verschlüsselung von Mails und Passwörtern Mehrfenster-Oberfläche
Pop-Up Blocker
Zuschaltbare Panels
Austauschbare Softwareoberflächen
Integriertes Mailprogramm
Unterstützung für RSS
Integrierter Chat-Client!
Version: 9.01 en Dateigröße: 4.64 MB
Eingetragen am: 14. 08. 2006 Wartende Downloads: 1227
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Kategorie: Zubehör: WebBrowser

  MyCalendar vs. 2.2.7  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This is a calendar mod for the ported version of phpbb for phpnuke 6.0. I tried to make it as simple as possible so i editited the files that are needed to edit and put them in the file (subSilver template ONLY). IF you use a other template then subSilver you gotta edit the files manually and i do NOT advice this if you do not know anything about php. Read the .txt files first before do anything and BACKUP everything first before installing!
Version: 2.2.7 Dateigröße: 240.31 Kb
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1225
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Kategorie: - phpBB 2 Nuke

Beschreibung: Convert HTML to into PHP echo command. German and english version included. The German version is better, and not that hard to figure out!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 62.33 Kb
Eingetragen am: 30. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1224
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Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  Xaraya vs. 1.1.2 full tar.gz  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Xaraya ist ein Web Application Framework, das als Freie Software unter der GNU General Public License publiziert wird. Xaraya ist in der Programmiersprache PHP geschrieben, und basiert auf der bisher nicht veröffentlichten Entwicklerversion 0.8 (von Mitte 2002) des PostNuke Projekts.
Obwohl Xaraya einige Grundideen mit PostNuke und PHPNuke teilt, wurde die Basistechnologie komplett umgeschrieben um eine bessere Trennung zwischen Design und Inhalt zu erreichen und die Funktionalität noch mehr zu modularisieren und flexibilisieren.
Dadurch können mit Xaraya nun die verschiedensten Systeme zusammengestellt werden. Von Blogs über Portale, Online Communitys und Webshops bis hin zu Content Management Systemen!
(Full package: Core Package files plus all modules in the base package, plus all other modules available in the Xaraya module repository.)
Version: 1.1.2 Dateigröße: 11.64 MB
Eingetragen am: 24. 09. 2006 Wartende Downloads: 1224
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Kategorie: ! Nuke-SplitOffs

  LiquidClassifiedsXML vs. 1.3.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: LiquidClassifieds uses phpSQLGen to produce XML documents that the client program, LiquidClassifiedsXML, can read. Clients can enter new ads via HTTP POST. LiquidClassifieds uses what calls XML over HTTP and what others call REST ( phpSQLGen is a layer on top of ADOdb for presenting database results as either HTML tables or as XML.
The advantage of classified ads as a web service is that many clients can share the same database of ads. Many small websites can pool their ads together so that they have, in effect, the classified ad system of a larger website. The result is similar to the banner exchange idea! New:
1) added area code and phone to the detail view (with 1.2.0 you can submit these fields but not view them)
2) updated get_partners function
3) improved ease-of-installation (improved path detection)
4) fixed README.txt errors
5) fixed image-link target
6) centralized region settings (improved ease of installation)
7) made expat (XML) a strict requirement
8) renamed Jobs category to Help Wanted
9) renamed Seeking Work category to Work Wanted
10) made sideblock easier to configure
Version: 1.3.0 Dateigröße: 22.26 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1223
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Kleinanzeigen

  Contacts vs. 1.0.3  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This add-on is a simple management of your contacts. Works like additional module in your admin menu. Tested on version 6. Features:
add category
add contact (very important, right?) ;)
quick acces to contact/category
mail to contact/category
search all fields in contacts
mail to search results!
Version: 1.0.3 Dateigröße: 10.41 Kb
Eingetragen am: 12. 02. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1221
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Contact+Feedback

  mySQL vs. 3.23.54 win  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MySQL is a database management system. A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management plays a central role in computing, as stand-alone utilities, or as parts of other applications!
(Windows Version)
Version: 3.23.54 Dateigröße: 13.16 MB
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1220
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  Poster Level Mod vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This mod adds an rpg-like level, hp, mp, and exp rating to a user's profile, and under their name in their posts. Level: a user's level is based on how many posts the user has made. This should be able to scale up indefinitly. HP: represents how active the user is. max hp is based off level, current hp is based on how often the user posts. MP: represnts how quickly the user posts. Max mp is based on level, and mp regenerates over time Exp: a percentage showing how many more posts the user has to make to get to the next level!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 7.40 Kb
Eingetragen am: 18. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1220
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Kategorie: - phpBB 2 Nuke

  NSN Contents vs. 2.3.4  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features:
- Compatible with PHP-Nuke 5.5.0 thru 6.0.0.
- You decide how many items per page to display thru the admin script.
- You decide which of 7 date display formats to use.
- You decide how many characters to display in titles thru the admin script.
- Displays the "NEW" and "POP" icons for each item that meets the requirements.
- Is language file compatible (currently in 1 language).
- Checks for Admin status and displays "EDIT" function if authorized.
- Comes with it's own graphics so it doesn't depend on PHP-Nuke graphics.
- Has a readme file to SHOW where to place the different files.
- No config files needed. Admin script stores config DATA in a db table.
- Admin file installs/updates the database.
Comes with:
- a module which lists all of your items across multiple pages similar to the Members List.
- 2 blocks, the first block lists the Top items, and the second lists the Newest items.
- Auto senses if it "Is In The Home" and uses the correct linking.
- Corrected a rare "new" icon problem in the dating.
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.3.4 Dateigröße: 21.07 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 11. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1218
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  phpbb2 (Olivia Theme) icons  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: The Icons for phpbb2 port (Olivia Theme) in German language. Copy the files (including folder) to the images directory in the Olivia Template Folder!
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 69.47 Kb
Eingetragen am: 09. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1218
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Kategorie: - Nuke Graphics

  GIMP vs. 2.2.9 tar  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: GIMP eignet sich ideal zur Bearbeitung von Bildern aller Art. Ebenen, Kanäle und Pfade sind wie in Photoshop in eigenen Paletten angelegt. Gimp lässt sich als einfaches Malprogramm benutzen, zum professionellen Retuschieren von Fotos, als Batch-System zur automatischen Bearbeitung von Bildern und als Grafikformat-Konverter. Durch die Unterstützung von frei erhältlichen Filtern, Fonts und Vorlagen ist Gimp inzwischen eines der beliebtesten freien Grafikwerkzeuge geworden. Nach Installation, Windows-Neustart und erstem Start des Programms erwartet Sie eine Fülle von Funktionen: Für geladene Bilder stehen Ebenenverwaltung, Funktionen für Retusche und Kontrastkorrektur zur Verfügung. Außerdem lassen sich weitere Bildkorrekturen per Gradationskurven, Histogramm sowie Farbton-Verschiebung anwenden. Verschiedene vorgefertigte Effekte wie beispielsweise Schatten oder Chrom verleihen Bildern einen besonderen Touch!
(The GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages.)
Version: 2.2.9 Dateigröße: 17.55 MB
Eingetragen am: 16. 11. 2005 Wartende Downloads: 1213
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Kategorie: Zubehör: Grafik-Tools

  Linux Kernel Block vs. 1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Von diesem Block aus kann man direkt den Kernel downloaden ( oder Mirrosite). Ausserdem kann man den Kernelblock zur Mozilla/Netscape Sidebar hinzufügen!
(The block shows the current Linux Kernel (stable and developer) and also the Kernel Patch. You can download the Kernel directly from or a mirrorsite (by clicking on the blocks links). You can add the Kernel Block to your Mozilla/Netscape Sidebar!)
Version: 1.0 Dateigröße: 1.77 Kb
Eingetragen am: 05. 02. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1212 Bewertung: 5.00 (4 Stimmen)
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Zusätzliche

  BlocksManager WB vs. 0.2  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This admin module allows you to specify what blocks are visible and what position they are in on a module by module basis!
Version: 0.2 Dateigröße: 72.72 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 02. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1211
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: ! PHPNuke-Admin-Tools

  Mozilla Firefox vs. 0.9.1 linux tar.gz deutsch  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Mozilla Firefox ist ein Browser, der auf dem bekannten Mozilla aufbaut, im Gegensatz zu diesem aber auch für Endanwender entwickelt wurde.
Das Ziel des Mozilla Firefox-Projekts ist es, einen sicheren, schnellen, schlanken und einfach zu bedienenden Browser zu erstellen. Dabei beschränken sich die Entwickler auf den reinen Browser und verzichten bewusst auf ein integriertes Mail- oder Chatprogramm. Da Mozilla Firefox auf dem Mozilla-Programmcode basiert, ist es natürlich auch frei (Open Source) und für jeden Interessierten kostenlos verfügbar.
Mozilla Firefox bietet Ihnen viele nützliche Funktionen, wie z.B. einen "Pop-Up-Blocker", der auf Wunsch Werbefenster ausblendet, die unaufgefordert aufspringen. Auch das "Tabbed-Browsing", mit dem man mehrere Seiten in einem Fenster darstellen kann, möchte man bereits nach kurzer Zeit nicht mehr missen.
Mozilla Firefox ist in weiten Teilen sehr einfach konfigurierbar. So kann man sich bei Bedarf eine eigene Menüleiste zusammenstellen, oder das ganze Menü in einer Zeile unterbringen (nützlich bei niedrigen Auflösungen). Außerdem entwickelt eine große Gemeinschaft unablässig neue Erweiterungen, wie beispielsweise die "Mausgesten", mit denen man Mozilla Firefox bedienen kann ohne sich erst durch die Menüs zu klicken!
Version: 0.9.1 Dateigröße: 2.12 MB
Eingetragen am: 02. 08. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1210
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Kategorie: Zubehör: WebBrowser

  Amazon-Block vs. 2.1.0  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: This version has added features and better installation instructions. Amazon Block/Module is a complete PHP-Nuke block, module and admin package for the Affilate members. This software exploits the Amazons Web Services V2.0. It is very simple to install and manage. You enter ASIN numbers in the admin page and the script does the rest. It has a hits counter so you know which items are more popular. It grabs the products picture, description, price, etc. from servers. Every time the page is refreshed a new item at is shown on the Amazon block. When the site visitor clicks on the item, the server loads a page with a detailed information of the item. Related items and a search form are shown just below the clicked item so you can earn more commisions. Tested on version 6.0 of PHP-Nuke!
Version: 2.1.0 Dateigröße: 30.80 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 11. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1209
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Kategorie: Nuke-Blöcke/Shopping

  NSN Encyclopedias 2.3.4  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features:
- Compatible with PHP-Nuke 5.5.0 thru 6.0.0.
- You decide how many items per page to display thru the admin script.
- You decide which of 7 date display formats to use.
- You decide how many characters to display in titles thru the admin script.
- Displays the "NEW" and "POP" icons for each item that meets the requirements.
- Is language file compatible (currently in 1 language).
- Checks for Admin status and displays "EDIT" function if authorized.
- Comes with it's own graphics so it doesn't depend on PHP-Nuke graphics.
- Has a readme file to SHOW where to place the different files.
- No config files needed. Admin script stores config DATA in a db table. - Admin file installs updates the database.
Comes with:
- a module which lists all of your items across multiple pages similar to the Members List.
- 2 blocks, the first block lists the Top items, and the second lists the Newest items.
- Auto senses if it "Is In The Home" and uses the correct linking.
- Corrected a rare "new" icon problem in the dating.
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.3.4 Dateigröße: 22.59 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 11. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1209
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  NSN Journals vs. 2.0.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Features:
- Compatible with PHP-Nuke 5.5.0 thru 6.0.0.
- You decide how many items per page to display thru the admin script.
- You decide which of 7 date display formats to use.
- You decide how many characters to display in titles thru the admin script.
- Displays the "NEW" and "POP" icons for each item that meets the requirements.
- Is language file compatible (currently in 1 language).
- Checks for Admin status and displays "EDIT" function if authorized.
- Comes with it's own graphics so it doesn't depend on PHP-Nuke graphics.
- Has a readme file to SHOW where to place the different files.
- No config files needed. Admin script stores config DATA in a db table.
- Admin file installs/updates the database.
Comes with:
- a module which lists all of your items across multiple pages similar to the Members List.
- 1 blocks the block lists the Newest items.
- Auto senses if it "Is In The Home" and uses the correct linking.
- Corrected a rare "new" icon problem in the dating.
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.0.1 Dateigröße: 21.51 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 11. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1209
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  mySQL vs. 3.23.53a linux-gnu  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MySQL is a database management system. A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management plays a central role in computing, as stand-alone utilities, or as parts of other applications!
Version: 3.23.53a Dateigröße: 2.17 MB
Eingetragen am: 06. 12. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1208
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Kategorie: Zubehör: LAMP/WAMP

  Kleinanzeigenmarkt / classifieds market NukeC vs. 1.5  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: NukeC (Classifieds) 1.5 - there are so many bugs fixed and features added!
Version: 1.5 Dateigröße: 109.61 Kb
Eingetragen am: 21. 03. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1208
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Kleinanzeigen

  MentholChat vs. 0.1  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MentholChat is a lite version of an HTTP IRC interface I've been working on (you can see it working at, you think the code to this looks ugly? You should see the IRC version :D This version only works on Unix/Linux, it makes it easy to add as many chatrooms to your site as you want, and as a result of the connection being kept open and new data delivered on the fly, it's a joy to use and the bandwidth overhead in a busy chat is tiny. When lurking and watching a very active conversation, you can expect each client connected to the server to be pulling down about 50k per hour. It's tested in Avant, Konqueror, Mozilla, Netscape, Internet Explorer, Opera, Nautilus and Galeon (most recent versions of all). Of those, Konqueror doesn't automatically move to the newest line of text, and Galeon doesn't like it at all (although I'm starting to think Galeon maybe just doesn't like *me*) the rest all work and look about as similar as similar things. Oh, and if you want to post pictures, you just enter the URL, they're all the same size in the frame though (so hrunk/grown accordingly)!
Version: 0.1 Dateigröße: 6.45 Kb
Eingetragen am: 27. 07. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1208
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Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Chats

  X-Setup vs. 6.6  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: X-Setup hilft beim Ändern und Anpassen von über 1.500 versteckten Windows-Einstellungen. Zunächst öffnet sich der X-Setup Manager, über den Sie entweder zur Classic-Oberfläche oder zum X-Setup Wizard gelangen. Die Oberfläche des Hauptprogramms erinnert an den Explorer und ermöglicht schnellen Zugriff auf die einzelnen Einstellungen. Der Record-Modus protokolliert alle Änderungen in einer Datei, die Sie dann auf andere Rechner übertragen können. Sie ändern beispielsweise die Programmpfade, blenden die Begrüßungsbildschirme aus und manipulieren das Erscheinungsbild der Programme. Zum schnellen Auffinden eines bestimmten Registry-Schlüssels dient die Suchefunktion. Als Bonus bietet X-Setup im Programs-Menü einen Programmschnellstarter, den Sie ganz nach Ihren Vorlieben anpassen können!
Version: 6.6 Dateigröße: 4.58 MB
Eingetragen am: 01. 08. 2004 Wartende Downloads: 1207
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Zubehör: System-Tools

  Opera vs. 8.5.0 englisch exe  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: Opera ist ein alternativer Browser, der wesentlich stabiler und sicherer ist als der bekannte Internet Explorer von Microsoft. Die Software bietet dabei einige gute Funktionen und steht dem Quasi-Standard in nichts nach.
Keine unsicheren Systeme wie ActiveX und ActiveScripting
Verschlüsselung von Mails und Passwörtern Mehrfenster-Oberfläche
Pop-Up Blocker
Zuschaltbare Panels
Austauschbare Softwareoberflächen
Integriertes Mailprogramm
Unterstützung für RSS
Integrierter Chat-Client!
Version: 8.5.0 en Dateigröße: 3.60 MB
Eingetragen am: 14. 11. 2005 Wartende Downloads: 1207
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Zubehör: WebBrowser

  NSN Downloads vs. 2.3.3FR  _POPULAR
- Compatible with PHP-Nuke 5.5.0 thru 6.0.0.
- You decide how many items per page to display thru the admin script.
- You decide which of 7 date display formats to use.
- You decide how many characters to display in titles thru the admin script.
- Displays the "NEW" and "POP" icons for each item that meets the requirements.
- Is language file compatible.
- Checks for Admin status and displays "EDIT" function if authorized.
- Comes with it's own graphics so it doesn't depend on PHP-Nuke graphics.
- Has a readme file to SHOW where to place the different files.
- No config files needed. Admin script stores config DATA in a db table.
- Admin file installs/updates the database.
Comes with:
- a module which lists all of your items across multiple pages similar to the Members List.
- 2 blocks, the first block lists the Top items, and the second lists the Newest items.
- Auto senses if it "Is In The Home" and uses the correct linking.
(Deutschsprachige NSN-Scripte finden Sie bei!)
Version: 2.3.3 FR Dateigröße: 23.90 Kb
Eingetragen am: 10. 11. 2002 Wartende Downloads: 1205
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/NSN

  MP3 Interface Jinzora vs. 0.9.3 RC 2.4!  _POPULAR
Beschreibung: MP3 Interface for PHPNUKE - Jinzora V 0.9.3 RC 2.4 (bleeding edge). Started as Hack of the Zina Module, then totally reworked, ..."to build a very easy-to-use / highly functional Web interface to an MP3 collection. ...[...]... with many more end-user features to extend its functionality!
Version: 0.9.3 RC 2 Dateigröße: 1.24 MB
Eingetragen am: 13. 11. 2003 Wartende Downloads: 1203
Homepage | Bewerten | Details
Kategorie: Nuke-Module/Movies&Music

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Unsere inhaltlichen Schwerpunkte: SuchmaschinenOptimierung / SEO in Berlin & Hamburg, SuchmaschinenOptimierung Forum, LinkBuilding (LinkAufbau).

Diese Homepage wurde vom Internet-Service COMPLEX Berlin mit einer Eigenentwicklung vor allem auf der Basis von PHP-Nuke erstellt. PHP-Nuke ist ein Web-Portal-System (WPS) / Content-Management-System (CMS), das als OpenSource Software den GNU/GPL Lizenzbestimmungen unterliegt. Außerdem wurden vom Internet Service COMPLEX Berlin - dem Spezialisten für Open Source Software und Suchmaschinen Optimierung - Linux, Apache, mySQL, php (Stichwort: LAMP) sowie phpBB (s. o.) genutzt.

Wir fördern die OpenSource-Projekte Open Source Software Guide, Open Source Shop Systeme,,,,,,!

Für Interessenten: Unsere Suchmaschinenoptimierung - Suchmaschinen Optimierung - SEO News / Wichtige Links: Impressum - AGB (inklusive Datenschutzhinweise) - Werbung. Diese Seite verwendet Cookies. Wenn Sie sich weiterhin auf dieser Seite aufhalten, akzeptieren Sie unseren Einsatz von Cookies.

Made by COMPLEX-Berlin - dem Spezialisten für Suchmaschinen Optimierung, Open Source Software sowie komplexe Web- und Internet-Anwendungen: WebPortale, Online-Shops, Shop-Systeme, Content-Management (CMS), Suchmaschinen-Analyse, Traffic-Optimierung & SEO ( Suchmaschinen Optimierung / Suchmaschinen Ranking Optimierung ) - Suchmaschinenoptimierung Berlin & Suchmaschinenoptimierung Hamburg!